If you don't like the way you were born, try being born again.
This Wednesday March 12th we will meet through Zoom at 7:30. We will be looking at chapter 11 of the book of Hebrews. Heroes of the Faith, Abel, Enoch, Noah,Abraham, Sarah,Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, etc. If you are praying for snow, Please Stop!
Our next Movie Night will be announced soon.
"You are not too bad to come in, and you are not too good to stay out"
The people of Ukraine
Pray for the Kinlaw family
Shannon Braswell has kidney disease
The shut-ins, Joyce Cutts, and Jim Withers
The unsaved
The Assembly at North Raleigh
Mountain Top Youth Camp and all Christian Camps
Huss Siddiqui's brother Jamal
Dean Peeks brother Duane
The Missionarys all throughout the world
Pittsboro Christian Village is still looking to fill employment positions at their facility.
Samaritans Purse and their worldwide outreach
Offiicf our elected Offici
Our Elders and the decisions they make for the Fellowship
Jeff Buckles needs our prayers.
Eddie Schwartz is looking for guidance for future speaking engagements